

INSPIRATION - Integrované priestorové plánovanie, využitie územia, manažment krajiny - INSPIRATION
INtegrated Spatial PlannIng, land use and soil management Research AcTION - INSPIRATION
Program: Horizon 2020
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the evaluation of current state of research in the topic land management and definition of the needs for the next period. The main sub-objectives of the project are:Identify social challenges related to land, especially land use, the management of land and soil protection, land use and utilisation of landscape resources,Evaluate approaches to integrated land management, to evaluate the current strengths and weaknesses, define proposals to improve the situation,Identify the need for research in the area land use and land management,Identifies the main groups of "stakeholders" and create a network of all groups "stakeholders" in the field,Ensure the transfer of knowledge in practice and contribute to improving policy EU and research in this area.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.3.2015 - 28.2.2018
FORECASTING SYST - Vývoj adaptívneho predpovedného systému ochrany rastlín v spolupráci prihraničných vinárskych oblastí v záujme zvyšovania ich konkurencieschopnosti (FORECASTING SYST)
Development of the adaptive plant protection forecasting system within a collaboration of border viticultural areas for purpose to increase their competitiveness (FORECASTING SYST)
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The main aim of the project is the development and testing the model of an effective health care of the vine. The model will be based on elaboration of the data from the microclimatical stations which will be installed in the individual types of the wine-production areas. In this year the typisation of the wine production areas in the boarder region to Hungary done. This will be the basis for chosing the testing areas.
Project webpage: n/a
Duration: 15.1.2013 - 14.1.2015


Krajinnoekologické aspekty zelenej a modrej infraštruktúry pri tvorbe optimálneho priestorového základu ekologicky stabilných plôch v urbanizovanej krajine
Landscape-ecological aspects of green and blue infrastructure in creation of an optimal spatial basis for ecologically stable areas in urban landscape.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Annotation: Topical theme of the current research both in our country and in the world is the issue of green (G) and blue (B) infrastructures. Their task is to support and conserve landscape biodiversity and diversity, polyfunctional land use, protection of landscape elements and conservation of important landscape elements. The aim of the project is to prepare the assessment methodology of G and B infrastructures in a settled environment by interdisciplinary scientific research; to produce a specialized methodical tool applicable to planning practices on local level. Apart from the assessment of green and blue infrastructure the partial aim will be the assessment of grey infrastructure associated with the development of settlements and communications as part of comprehensive assessment for resulting proposals. Protection of natural and semi-natural and man-made ecosystems is compulsory for conservation of bio production, environmental and socio-economic functions and general life forms and conditions in urban landscape.
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
ENVIRO PLUS - Podpora výskumno-vývojových aktivít jedinečného riešiteľského tímu
Supporting the R&D activities of a unique research team
Program: Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja (EFRR)
Project leader: Mgr. Kalivoda Henrik, PhD.
Annotation: The main objective of the project is to support research and development activities of the unique research team of non-business research organizations ILE SAS and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the company ESPRIT Ltd focused on the knowledge area of environmental engineering. The project topics are focused on product lines in the domain of Healthy Food and Environment:1) Systems for the protection of agricultural and forest soils against degradation2) Systems and technologies for preventing the negative impacts of climate change in agriculture and forestry.
Project webpage:
Duration: 27.9.2022 - 31.12.2023
OP KŽP (Verzia 1 - Zmena Operačného programu Kvalita životného prostredia (verzia 15) : Správa o hodnotení strategického dokumentu s celoštátnym dosahom podľa zák. č. 24/2006 Z. z. o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení n
Change to the Operational Programme Quality of the Environment (version 15). Report on the evaluation of a strategic document with national impact pursuant to Act. No. 24/2006 Coll. on environmental impact assessment and on amendment and supplementation o
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD.
Annotation: Elaboration of the "Report on the evaluation of the strategic document with national impact Change of the Operational Programme Environmental Quality (version 15) - in terms of its expected environmental impacts in the scope according to the Annex of Act No. 24/2006 Coll." Provision of written supplementary information to the Strategic Document Assessment Report.Preparation of presentation/interpretation of the Strategic Document Assessment Report at the public hearing.Evaluation of the opinions and comments submitted on the Strategic Document Assessment Report.Preparation of the final version of the Strategic Document Assessment Report and its submission to the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic.
Project webpage:
Duration: 26.4.2023 - 31.7.2023
Ex-ante hodnotenie a SEA pre Strategický plán SPP 2021-2027
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD.
Duration: 1.6.2019 - 31.12.2022
Vypracovanie automatizovaného podporného systému na spracovanie dokumentácie MÚSES
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2021
Návrh algoritmov pre jednotlivé časti dokumentov MÚSES
Proposals of the algorythm for the individual parts of the the documents of LTSES (Local Territorial System of Ecological Stability)
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Dr.h.c. Prof. RNDr. Miklós László, DrSc.
Duration: 1.6.2020 - 31.12.2020
Spracovanie miestneho územného systému ekologickej stability (MÚSES) Dolný Lopašov
Elaboration of territorial system of ecological stability of Dolný Lopašov
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The territorial system of ecological stability (MUSES) was elaborated for the case study area of Dolný Lopašov. During the processing, a new methodological approach was applied (Miklós et al., 2020) using algorithms for automated processing of MÚSES projects at the municipal level. The output of the project is a final report of MÚSES for Dolný Lopašov.
Duration: 1.2.2020 - 30.11.2020
Metodika na automatizované generovanie dokumentov Miestneho územného systému ekologickej stability (MÚSES)
Methodology for automated generation of documents of the Local Territorial System of Ecological Stability (LTSES)
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Dr.h.c. Prof. RNDr. Miklós László, DrSc.
Annotation: Creation of a methodology for automated creation of LTSES documents. The methodology for systematizing the cardinal steps of generating LTSES documents will include:• Analyzes of landscape structures in relation to LTSES • Integration of analytical data into synthetic spatial units• Purposeful interpretation of synthetic spatial units• Functional characteristics of spatial units for designs of spatial structure and content of LTSES elements.
Duration: 7.1.2020 - 15.2.2020
Zelená infraštruktúra Slovenska
Green Infrastructure of Slovakia
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Annotation: The concept of green infrastructure, the same as the territorial systems of ecological stability, is aimed at the progressive transition from the black-and-white division of the country to the protected and unprotected parts, to an all-area differentiated system preserving ecologically convenient landscape structure with different ways of use. Hence, the aim of the proposed Green Infrastructure and mitigation of the negative effects of its barriers is conservation and support to biodiversity and diversity of Slovakia’s landscape and provision for their beneficial effects on the surrounding ecologically less stable parts of the country, support to variants of multifunctional land use with the aim to protect individual components of the environment, conservation of important landscape
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2018
Správa o hodnotení strategického dokumentu: Program rozvoja vidieka SR na programovacie obdobie 2014 – 2020
Strategic environmental assessment of document: The Rural Development the programming period 2014 - 2020
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.1.2015
Hodnotenie kvality životného prostredia vidieckych sídiel
Evaluation of environmental quality of rural settlements
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2014
Ex-ante hodnotenia Programu rozvoja vidieka SR na obdobie 2014-2020
Ex-ante assessment of the Rural Development Programme for the years 2014-2020
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 5.8.2013 - 31.12.2013
Revitalizácia krajiny v nových socio-ekonomických podmienkach
Revitalisation of the landscape in the new socio-economic conditions
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The basic goal of the project is to elaborate the methodology of the landscape revitalisation based on the representative geoecosystems of the Slovak republic.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010
Festival krajiny
Festival of the Landscape
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The goal of the project is to elucidate the sustainable developement as the conception of development on the treshold of the 3rd millenium and to improve the environmental awareness of the public and increase of the participation of the public in the nature protection.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.10.2006 - 31.12.2009