

CHIME_NPV - CHIME_NPV - Kvantifikácia nefotosyntetickej vegetácie z budúcej misie Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
CHIME_NPV - Towards quantification of non-photosynthetic vegetation from Copernicus Hyperspectral Imaging Mission for the Environment
Program: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader: Mgr. Halabuk Andrej, PhD.
Annotation: The project activities represent a feasibility study of imaging spectroscopy\'s added value for NPV mapping in agricultural landscapes. Current state-of-the-art approaches are explored followed by set of empirical analyses and tests for effective retrieval algorithms and mapping using PRISMA and EnMAP products. In addition, NPV-relevant data are continuously collected through dedicated field campaigns of varying scales (plot to region wide).
Duration: 2.4.2022 - 1.4.2024
SatZones - SatZones - Identifikácia výnosových zón na poľnohospodárskych pozemkoch s využitím satelitných údajov
SatZones - Satellite-based delineation of yield productivity zones for Slovak crop fields
Program: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader: Mgr. Kenderessy Pavol, PhD.
Annotation: The delineation of "quasi homogenous" management zones is the basis of the precision agriculture (PA) practices, addressing the within-field variability of crop status and crop yield. Many ground-based methods exist for the delineation of management zones, though, due to the complexity and costs, they are not commonly applied in Slovak agricultural sector. On the other hand, cost-effective satellite-based approaches for identifying so-called yield productivity zones have been recently introduced. Yield productivity zones represent highly productive, respectively less productive zones within field parcels. In particular, the time-series approaches using satellite-based vegetation indices with relevant spatial and temporal resolutions (e.g. Sentinel2 or Landsat products) may identify stable recurring crop status patterns, resulting in identifying yield productivity zones. Though many services exist based on a user request basis, a "broad-scale full coverage" delivery of yield productivity zones in an automated manner is still rare. We aim to develop such a system to enhance satellite-based (later referred as EO based) agricultural services for "literally" 61 000 field parcels, a substantial number of Slovak farmers, and finally for the all ”digital farming” industry.The main technical objective of the project is development of the automated processor for creation of yield productivity zones at broader scale. Furthermore, EO-based service for farmers based on this processor will be designed. The end goal of the proposal is enhancement of the EO-based services for agriculture and precision farming.
Duration: 15.2.2022 - 31.7.2023
DREAM SK-AT - Výskum a manažment rieky Dunaj na Slovensku a v Rakúsku
Danube River Research and Management in Slovakia and Austria
Program: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Project leader: Mgr. Kenderessy Pavol, PhD.
Annotation: The aims are to establish joint research facilities, to enhance knowledge transfer and to develop innovative monitoring and modelling tools in the SK-AT border region. By enhancing knowledge transfer and capacity building between research bodies and universities, the project will lead to an improved cooperation and exchange of expertise between research and innovation actors using newly constructed and upgraded research infrastructures (RI). New monitoring stations as well as innovative monitoring techniques (e.g. operative boat) and modelling tools concerning hydrodynamics, sediment transport, morphodynamics, ecological parameters and remote sensing technologies in river and wetland science will lead to high quality and comparable data derived at the Danube River in the project reaches (cross border region and adjacent reaches). A guidance document of monitoring and modelling tools will be published and available for the target groups. In SK (VÚVH) the hydraulic engineering laboratory (discharge 1,5 m³/s) will be modernized and upgraded according to the state of the art together with laboratory of geoinformatics and advanced river remote sensing (ILE SAS). In AT a hydraulic engineering laboratory will be constructed with 10 m³/s free flowing discharge. By using these RIs, the scientific basis for improving the Danube river management between Vienna and Bratislava will be developed, being available for target groups working in navigation, flood risk management, ecology, hydropower and drinking water supply. Furthermore, a close exchange of undergraduate and doctoral students and teachers between BOKU, VUVH and ILE SAS will be initiated and the research facilities will be jointly used for common teaching and research activities, also beyond the lifetime of the project.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2022
Sen2ForMaM - Mapovanie a monitoring poškodenia lesných porastov s podporou satelitných produktov Sentinel 2
Sentinel 2 based support of forest disturbance mapping and monitoring
Program: European Space Agency (ESA)
Project leader: Mgr. Halabuk Andrej, PhD.
Annotation: Existing forest geospatial decision support system will be improved byfunctionality for monitoring of forest status and disturbances with use of timely Sentinel2satellite images and derived products. Specific technological objectives are:1. Development of analytical tools for assessment of forest status and disturbance usingSentinel2 products2. Development data collection and visualization services for web and mobile platforms offorestry GIS system3. Operationalization of Sentinel2 based forest disturbance mapping for regional forestrysectorThe products and services will be implemented, thoroughly tested and verified in Orava forestadministration district according to requirements of already identified customer.The end goal and final customer benefits will be: early identification of changes in forest health and forest disturbances prevention of larger forest disturbance and damages by timely forest managementmeasures minimizing of the management costs and optimization of field work for monitoring
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2020
OpenNESS - Funkčnosť prírodných kapitálov a ekologických služieb: od konceptu k reálnej aplikácii (OpenNESS)
Operationalisation of Natural Capital and EcoSystem Services: From Concepts to Real-world Applications (OpenNESS)
Program: FP7
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the evaluation of current state of research in the topic land management and definition of the needs for the next period. The main sub-objectives of the project are: 1) Identify social challenges related to land, especially land use, the management of land and soil protection, land use and utilisation of landscape resources, 2) Evaluate approaches to integrated land management, to evaluate the current strengths and weaknesses, define proposals to improve the situation, 3) Identify the need for research in the area land use and land management, 4) Identify the main groups of "stakeholders" and create a network of all groups "stakeholders" in the field, 5) Ensure the transfer of knowledge in practice and contribute to improving policy EU and research in this area.
Duration: 1.12.2012 - 31.5.2017
Výskum a zachovanie biodiverzity v historických štruktúrach poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska
Research and maintaining of biodiversity in historical structures of agricultural landscape of Slovakia
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD.
Annotation: The historical structures of agricultural landscape (HSAL) represent mosaics of small-scale arable fields and permanent agricultural cultivations which were not affected by the process of agricultural collectivization. They have irreplaceable ecological, cultural and historical value. They are a result of a long term, mutual relationship between man and the landscape. As main sources of local biodiversity, they are linked mainly to balks, margins of cross fields tracks, original meadows and pastures and after collectivization abandoned grass-grown former arable fields. These areas are now becoming rare and thus highly valuable in the European space. Since these areas are not at present a subject of special protection, there’s a high risk that in the near future, due to abandonment and subsequent forest succession and urban pressure, their decline or even irreversible loss is probable. Our project aims to resolve this problem by carrying out a thorough inventory and typologization of HSAL on the territory of whole Slovakia, coupled with detailed interdisciplinary research (research of vegetation, animals, ecological conditions and human society) in 3 representative pilot areas (Svätý Jur town, Liptovská Teplička village Hriňová town) and implementation of an proposed Strategy for protection and management of HSAL in these territories as well.
Duration: 10.9.2009 - 30.4.2011
SCERES - Scenáre vývoja reprezentatívnych ekosystémov krajiny Slovenska v kontexte globálnych zmien
Development scenarios of representative landscape ecosystems in the Slovak republic considering global changes
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The project is aimed at the elaboration of the new approach to nature protection, biodiversity and landscape stability. It proposes to vault over the component approach to nature protection based purely on the protection of life forms and its substitution by complex landscape-ecological approach based on the protection of nature and life by conservation and ensurance of sustainable use of all representative landscape systems of Slovakia in the context of global changes. The target of the subproject is to elaborate the methodological procedure for creation and evaluation of representative landscape ecosystems in order to elaborate the effective strategy of biodiversity protection and proposal of the management of sustainable use of representative landscape ecosystems (landscape types) of Slovakia (RLES) that will ensure the regular care of landscape in view of the present global changes in the landscape. A part of the subproject and an aim is to include „main actors“ into the process of protection and management of RLES, to increase their awareness with respect to the values of representative landscape types, their tasks and changes. The realization of the subproject is the concrete contribution to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention (European Council, 2000, no. 176).
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.10.2008 - 30.10.2010
SENSOR - Hodnotenie trvalo udržateľných vplyvov: Nástroje pre environmentálne, sociálne a ekonomické vplyvy multifunkčného využitia krajiny v Európskych regiónoch
Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmetal,Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions
Program: FP6
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: Institute of landscape ecology SAS has participated on 3 modules, M 3.2., M 6.1. and M 6.2. Within the module M 3.2., ILE SAS participated on definition of criteria for selection of key sustainability indicators, their importance and relevance for assessing the sustainability on regional level and definition of links between key indicators and land-use functions. These indicators were then assessed using sustainability thresholds/limits approach. This approach was based on definition of qualitative/quantitative threshold values for selected environmental indicators. Within the module 6.1., activities included elaboration of sustainability assessment plan for SIAT (Sustainability Impact Assessment Tool) testing region of High Tatras. The results were summed up into a data form containing definition of main sustainability problems, stakeholders and data resources. The M 6.2. activities included collection, standardisation and harmonisation of various social, economical and environmental statistical data for the High Tatras testing region. Data were collected according to M6 Data management framework and uploaded to common georeferenced database system.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.12.2004 - 31.5.2009
ALTER-Net - Výskumná sieť pre dlhodobý výskum biodiverzity, ekosystému a vedomia
A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awarness Research Network
Program: FP6
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences participated in collaboration with other 23 partners from 16 European countries on the work of all 14 workpackages. In the year 2008, staff of ILE SAS has been worked on broad spectrum of tasks of the project ALTER-Net and attended actively all important workshops. Work was focused on 4th and 5th Reporting Period of the project. The most important results and outcomes: establishing of the Slovak LTER Committee, implementation of Slovak LTER sites, preparation of publication „LTER European book“, completing of InfoBase database, reinvestigation of task “Multi-site experiment”, preparation of database 2008 and analysis of data; preparation of Slovak LTSER platform.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.4.2004 - 31.3.2009


Vývoj pôdnych vlastností a vegetácie na bývalej poľnohospodárskej pôde
Evolution of soil properties and vegetation on the former agricultural land
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kollár Jozef, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on the evolution of soil properties and vegetation in the abandoned agricultural land
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Ex-ante hodnotenie a SEA pre Strategický plán SPP 2021-2027
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD.
Duration: 1.6.2019 - 31.12.2022
Výskum biokultúrnych hodnôt krajiny
Research of biocultural values of landscape
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD.
Annotation: Recently is increasing interest in research that can define habitats and landscape created by human culture and can determine ways that society uses to shape up its natural environment and is also shaped up by it (UNESCO 2007). Also is increasing demand for ensuring diversity in every dimension of life and its inclusion to political agenda. This requires revision of current strategy of biodiversity protection, which often omits highly rated areas in manused landscape and mostly focuses on protection of natural landscape. New concept of “biocultural diversity”, which points to connection between biological and cultural dimension of landscape, their interactions, connections, common development, threats and correlation with social and economical development of society, allows this change. The goal of the pilot project is to bring new qualitative and quantitative findings during the evaluation of connection between biological and cultural diversity and to define new principles of its protection.
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2021
RÚSES - Regionálny územný systém ekologickej stability okresov Bratislava, Trnava, Malacky, Pezinok, Gelnica
Regional Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability - districts of Bratislava, Trnava, Malacky, Pezinok, Gelnica
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: Regional Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability - ÚKE SAV in cooperation with the UK in Bratislava, UKF in Nitra, TU in Zvolen and with the company ESPRIT participates in the elaboration of regional territorial systems of ecological stability. ÚKE SAS participates in the elaboration of 5 regional territorial systems of ecological stability - the districts of Malacky, Pezinok, Trnava, Gelnica and Bratislava. This year, we focused on the processing of the current landscape structure, which will be the basis for the spatial specification of habitats, and subsequently the elements of the TSES framework, as well as the identification of stress factors.
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2020
Nezávislé hodnotenie Programu rozvoja vidieka SR pre obdobie 2014-2020
Independent evaluation of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014-2020
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: Processing of documents for evaluation report of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020, including answering the evaluation questions which provides an independent assessment of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and achievements, impact and success and failure factors.
Duration: 18.12.2015 - 31.12.2019
Zmeny poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska vplyvom politík Európskej Únie
Changes in Slovak Landscape Driven by European Union Agricultural Policy
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Lieskovský Juraj, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on identification and evaluation of changes in agricultural landscape (AL), which were after 2004 affected by the EU legislation in fields of agriculture, water protection and nature conservation. It is based on analysis of the EU policies as drivers of changes in AL. It will study types and intensity of use of AL on regional and local levels. The project combines methods of remote sensing (RS) and field research. RS will be used for timely obtaining information on AL. Also will be developed and tested innovative approaches and methods with use of new satellite sensors. In local scale will be studied impact of changes in use in AL on biodiversity. For biodiversity study were selected indication groups of vegetation, invertebrates (spiders, dragonflies) and vertebrates (amphibians, birds). Studied will be sites from which exist data from previous research, wetlands and newly evolved biotopes in AL. The final phase will be synthesis of current state and changes in AL and biodiversity.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Zelená infraštruktúra Slovenska
Green Infrastructure of Slovakia
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Annotation: The concept of green infrastructure, the same as the territorial systems of ecological stability, is aimed at the progressive transition from the black-and-white division of the country to the protected and unprotected parts, to an all-area differentiated system preserving ecologically convenient landscape structure with different ways of use. Hence, the aim of the proposed Green Infrastructure and mitigation of the negative effects of its barriers is conservation and support to biodiversity and diversity of Slovakia’s landscape and provision for their beneficial effects on the surrounding ecologically less stable parts of the country, support to variants of multifunctional land use with the aim to protect individual components of the environment, conservation of important landscape
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2018
Diverzita poľnohospodárskej krajiny a jej ekosystémové služby
Diversity of agricultural landscape and its ecosystem services
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The project was focused on the evaluation of diversity of agricultural landscape and its ecosystem services in different types of representative landscapes of Slovakia. Attention was paid to extensively cultivated farmland and traditional agricultural landscapes, which are characterized by higher diversity of landscape pattern and by the presence of semi natural habitats that significantly contribute to the provision of ecological functions in thelandscape and provide multifunctional ecosystem services to society. The most important results of the project are contained in two publication: the article of Lieskovsky et al. (2015) devoted to changes in landscape diversity and abandonment, and a monograph dedicated to the traditional agricultural landscape (TAL) (Špulerová et al., 2017). The monograph present diversity of TAL in Slovakia as a type of agricultural landscape with high landscape diversity. The second part of the monograph points to the importance of the ecosystem services assessment and benefits of these diversified landscape structures that provide to society. Result shows, that TAL provide more ecosystem services by their diversified patterns. The study of Lieskovský et al. is highly cited (22 WOS citation) and was aimed to analyse the driving forces behind the accelerated abandonment of traditional agricultural landscapes. The study showed that abandonment occurs most intensively on steep slopes and on less fertile soils. The distance from settlements and the financial profit are the other drivers of abandonment.References:LIESKOVSKÝ, Juraj - BEZÁK, Peter - ŠPULEROVÁ, Jana - LIESKOVSKÝ, Tibor - KOLEDA, Peter - DOBROVODSKÁ, Marta - BÜRGI, Matthias - GIMMI, Urs. The abandonment of traditional agricultural landscape in Slovakia - analysis of extent and driving forces. In Journal of Rural Studies, 2015, vol. 37, p. 75-84. ŠPULEROVÁ, Jana - ŠTEFUNKOVÁ, Dagmar - DOBROVODSKÁ, Marta - IZAKOVIČOVÁ, Zita - KENDERESSY, Pavol - VLACHOVIČOVÁ, Miriam - LIESKOVSKÝ, Juraj - PISCOVÁ, Veronika - PETROVIČ, František - KANKA, Róbert - BAČA, Andrej - BARANČOKOVÁ, Mária - BEZÁK, Peter - BEZÁKOVÁ, Magdaléna - BOLTIŽIAR, Martin - MOJSES, Matej - DUBCOVÁ, Magdaléna - GAJDOŠ, Peter - GERHÁTOVÁ, Katarína - IZSÓFF, Martin - KALIVODA, Henrik - MIKLÓSOVÁ, Viktória - DRÁBOVÁ, Monika - ŠATALOVÁ, Barbora - KRIŠTÍN, Anton - DANKANINOVÁ, Lenka - KALIVODOVÁ, Eva - MAJZLAN, Oto - MIHÁL, Ivan - STAŠIOV, Slavomír - ŠOLOMEKOVÁ, Tatiana - AMBROS, Michal - BALÁŽ, Ivan - HALABUK, Andrej. Historické štruktúry poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska : monografia získala ocenenie Zlatý Kosák od ministerky pôdohospodárstva a rozvoja vidieka p. Gabriely Matečnej na Agrokomplexe 2017 v Nitre [Historical structures of agricultural landscape of Slovakia. Bratislava: Veda, 2017. 144 s.
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2017
Dlhodobé zmeny vybraných parametrov pôd a ich ekosystémových služieb v závislosti od rôznych foriem využitia krajiny.
Long-term changes of selected soil properties and their ecosystem services depending on the different forms and intensity of agricultural land cultivation.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Kenderessy Pavol, PhD.
Annotation: The project aims to assess the changes of selected soil properties depending on the different forms and intensity of agricultural land cultivation. The research will take place in localities with the character of traditional agricultural landscapes (the assumption of extensive farming) and for comparison in places with the same conditions but with a different, conventionally farmed land (intensive management after the collectivization). Changes in soil properties will be evaluated based on comparison of results of filed survey and analysis of historical data from the database of the Complex Soil Survey (VÚPOP). The results will be interpreted in relation to selected soil functions. These functions will be defined in terms of their abilities to provide selected ecosystem services based on CICES classification (The Common International Classification of Ecosystem Services).
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
EcoServ CL - Hodnotenie funkcií a služieb ekosystémov kultúrnej krajiny
Evaluation of ecosystem functions and services of the cultural landscape
Program: SRDA
Project leader: RNDr. Kanka Róbert, PhD.
Annotation: The main objective of the project is a comprehensive assessment of ecosystem services on the base of selected REPGES units and its detailed research and testing of appropriate ondicators in selected model areas for various types of cultural landscapes based on the current methodology (Haines-Young, R., Potschin, M. 2012).Sub-objectives are:1. Compile a comprehensive overview of ecosystem services in selected representative ecosystems / cultural landscape types of Slovakia and define the potential capacity of the existing ecosystem services2. Identify the most relevant services in selected representative ecosystems of the cultural landscape of Slovakia in terms of their usefulness for evaluation purposes and to test the importance of these services to the local community3. Design and test indicators of ecosystem services in selected representative geoecosystems / cultural landscape types of Slovakia4. To design an effective system for evaluating ecosystem services that explicitly highlights the value and visibility of natural resources and the need for sustainable useThe project will deal with the current problems, which were summarized in a pan-European mapping and evaluation of ecosystem services (Maes et al., 2011)
Duration: 1.10.2013 - 30.9.2017
Správa o hodnotení strategického dokumentu: Program rozvoja vidieka SR na programovacie obdobie 2014 – 2020
Strategic environmental assessment of document: The Rural Development the programming period 2014 - 2020
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.1.2015
Hodnotenie kvality životného prostredia vidieckych sídiel
Evaluation of environmental quality of rural settlements
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2012 - 31.12.2014
Štúdia komplexného vplyvu prípravy a realizovania sút\'aží v rámci ZOH Krakov 2022 v stredisku Jasná - Nízke Tatry na životné prostredie v dotknutom území
A comprehensive study of the impact of the preparation and realisation of competitions in the WINTER OLYMPICS 2022 in Krakow Jasná Centre – Nízke Tatry Mts. on the environment in the affected territory
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Mgr. Kalivoda Henrik, PhD.
Annotation: The aim of the project was the development of a comprehensive study of the impact of the preparation and realisation of competitions in the framework of the WINTER OLYMPICS 2022 in Krakow Jasná Centre – Nízke Tatry Mts. on environment in the territory.
Duration: 28.3.2014 - 15.6.2014
Ex-ante hodnotenia Programu rozvoja vidieka SR na obdobie 2014-2020
Ex-ante assessment of the Rural Development Programme for the years 2014-2020
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 5.8.2013 - 31.12.2013
Významnosť a úžitky ekosystémov v historických štruktúrach poľnohospodárskej krajiny
Significance and ecosystem services of historical structures of agricultural landscapes
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: Significance of natural, semi-natural and cultural ecosystems in agricultural landscape for biodiversity protection is multiplex. The unique islands of species-rich plant and animal communities are represented by historicalstructures of agricultural landscape (HSAL), that play an important role in water retention and the prevention of soil erosion – both important with respect to climatic changes. Many ecosystem services and function are provided by these ecosystems, which bring benefits for society. They have irreplaceable ecological, cultural andhistorical value.Due to deficient ecosystem valuation as well as scarce scientific data documenting significance and services of these habitats in agrarian landscape, decline or even irreversible loss of biodiversity linked to such specificbiotopes will be the result. The project is aimed to bring new quantitative and qualitative scientific knowledge, which can be applied in decision processes or for implementation of international convention
Duration: 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013
ESPRIT - RÚSES Turčianske Teplice, Spišská Nová Ves a Žiar nad Hronom
Territorial system of ecological stability of the regions: Turčianské Teplice, Spišská Nová Ves a Žiar nad Hronom
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The basic aim of the project was the elaboration of the selected landscape-ecological properties of the regions for the creation territorial system of ecological stabilty, namely: analysis and evaluation of the biotic conditions, analysis and evaluation land use, analysis and territorial synthesis of stress factors, the analysis and territorial synthesis of positive socio-economic phenomena, proposal of the skelet of the territorial system of ecological stability and a proposals of eco-stabilizing measures
Project webpage: -
Duration: 1.7.2012 - 30.3.2013
Stanovenie účelových vlastností krajiny ako podklad pre krajinnoekologický výskum
Identification of purposive landscape features as the basis of landscape ecological research
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Hrnčiarová Tatiana, CSc.
Annotation: The aim of the project is to elaborate the existing and new methodological procedures of selected appropriate/functional landscape features on the basis of interpretation of abiotic, biotic and socio-economic indices. Purposeful landscape features give information about he conditions and mood of land use, possible reactions of the landscape on external impulses or sensitivity of the landscape on the changes caused by human activities etc. Some areas react to environmental changes more sensitively while primary landscape features gain different character. A component of the project is the verification of interpretational procedure of creation of purposeful landscape features in selected model areas in agricultural, urbanized and forest/recreational landscape or in the whole area of Slovakia. Appropriate features can express the measure of functioning of natural processes in the landscape, degree of landscape changes etc. The process of landscape-ecological interpretation is a significant criterion in the decision-making processes applied in the proposal of ecological landscape use.
Duration: 1.1.2010 - 31.12.2012
Krajinno-ekologický potenciál pre rozvoj vidieka na Slovensku so zameraním na cestovný ruch.
Landscape-ecological potential for development countryside in the Slovakia with regard to tourist traffic.
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Ing. Štefunková Dagmar, PhD.
Annotation: In sense of the European strategy of sustainable development (2001) the development of rural areas means theinterconnection of the principles of economic growth, environmental protection and social inclusion. According tothe Charter of European Regional Planning (1983) rural regions have mainly agricultural and ecostabilizingfunction. The support of the development directs to the development of productive functions with a balancedproportion of non-productive (landscape forming) functions. The aim of this project is to elaborate newtheoretical-methodological procedures of the integrated development of rural areas with the concentration onecotourism in selected representative model areas of Slovakia. So the new methodological procedures ofintegrated development of rural areas will be the basis of creation of simplified ecological models ofdevelopment that will be possible to implement to the development planning documents of the Slovak Republic.
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011
KraBio - Centrum excelentnosti pre ochranu a využívanie krajiny a biodiverzitu
Center of excellence for protection and use of lanscape and for biodiversity
Program: EU Structural Funds Research & Development
Project leader: Mgr. Kalivoda Henrik, PhD.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.5.2009 - 30.11.2011
Model reprezentatívnych geoekosystémov na regionálnej úrovni
Model of the representative geoecosystems on the regional level
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The basic goal ot he project is elaboration of the methodical procedure for evaluation of the representative geoecosystem of Slovakia on the regional level for elaboration of effective strategy of the nature protection, biodiversity protection and landscape stability.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.6.2008 - 31.12.2010
Revitalizácia krajiny v nových socio-ekonomických podmienkach
Revitalisation of the landscape in the new socio-economic conditions
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Annotation: The basic goal of the project is to elaborate the methodology of the landscape revitalisation based on the representative geoecosystems of the Slovak republic.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2008 - 31.12.2010
Hodnotenie zmien diverzity krajiny
Evaluation of landscape diversity changes
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Hrnčiarová Tatiana, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 1.12.2009
Regionálna rozvojová štúdia mesta Bratislava
Regional development study of Bratislava city
Program: Other projects
Project leader: RNDr. Barančok Peter, CSc.
Duration: 15.1.2009 - 30.6.2009
SENSOR - Hodnotenie trvalo udržateľných vplyvov: Nástroje pre environmentálne, sociálne a ekonomické vplyvy multifunkčného využitia krajiny v Európskych regiónoch
Sustainability Impact Assessment: Tools for Environmetal,Social and Economic Effects of Multifunctional Land Use in European Regions
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: Institute of landscape ecology SAS has participated on 3 modules, M 3.2., M 6.1. and M 6.2. Within the module M 3.2., ILE SAS participated on definition of criteria for selection of key sustainability indicators, their importance and relevance for assessing the sustainability on regional level and definition of links between key indicators and land-use functions. These indicators were then assessed using sustainability thresholds/limits approach. This approach was based on definition of qualitative/quantitative threshold values for selected environmental indicators. Within the module 6.1., activities included elaboration of sustainability assessment plan for SIAT (Sustainability Impact Assessment Tool) testing region of High Tatras. The results were summed up into a data form containing definition of main sustainability problems, stakeholders and data resources. The M 6.2. activities included collection, standardisation and harmonisation of various social, economical and environmental statistical data for the High Tatras testing region. Data were collected according to M6 Data management framework and uploaded to common georeferenced database system.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.12.2004 - 31.5.2009
ALTER-Net - Výskumná sieť pre dlhodobý výskum biodiverzity, ekosystému a vedomia
A Long-Term Biodiversity, Ecosystem and Awarness Research Network
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences participated in collaboration with other 23 partners from 16 European countries on the work of all 14 workpackages. In the year 2008, staff of ILE SAS has been worked on broad spectrum of tasks of the project ALTER-Net and attended actively all important workshops. Work was focused on 4th and 5th Reporting Period of the project. The most important results and outcomes: establishing of the Slovak LTER Committee, implementation of Slovak LTER sites, preparation of publication „LTER European book“, completing of InfoBase database, reinvestigation of task “Multi-site experiment”, preparation of database 2008 and analysis of data; preparation of Slovak LTSER platform.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.4.2004 - 31.3.2009
Miestny územný systém ekologickej stability k.ú. Šalov pre potreby pozemkových úprav
Local territorial system of ecological stability of the Šalov cadastre for land arrangement project
Program: Other projects
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2007 - 22.5.2008
Stanovenie spoločenskej hodnoty biotopov národného a európskeho významu – VD Sereď - Hlohovec
Value Assessment of habitats of National and European importance – Water dam Sereď - Hlohovec
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: Project was aimed at the preliminary mapping of habitats of national or European importance in the area, which will be targeted by intended building of water dam Sered - Hlohovec. The project output is the report, assessing the impact of proposed activity, expressed by Value of damaged or destroyed habitats of European or national importance.
Duration: 1.10.2007 - 30.1.2008
Miestny územný systém ekologickej stability k.ú. Klasov pre potreby pozemkových úprav
Local territorial system of ecological stability of the Klasov cadastre for land arrangement project
Program: Other projects
Project leader: RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD.
Duration: 1.3.2007 - 10.1.2008
Hodnotenie poľnohospodárskej krajiny v tranzitívnej ekonomike
Evaluation of rural agricultural landscape in the transitive economics
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD.
Duration: 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007