DREAM SK-AT - Výskum a manažment rieky Dunaj na Slovensku a v Rakúsku | |
Danube River Research and Management in Slovakia and Austria | |
Program: | European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kenderessy Pavol, PhD. |
Annotation: | The aims are to establish joint research facilities, to enhance knowledge transfer and to develop innovative monitoring and modelling tools in the SK-AT border region. By enhancing knowledge transfer and capacity building between research bodies and universities, the project will lead to an improved cooperation and exchange of expertise between research and innovation actors using newly constructed and upgraded research infrastructures (RI). New monitoring stations as well as innovative monitoring techniques (e.g. operative boat) and modelling tools concerning hydrodynamics, sediment transport, morphodynamics, ecological parameters and remote sensing technologies in river and wetland science will lead to high quality and comparable data derived at the Danube River in the project reaches (cross border region and adjacent reaches). A guidance document of monitoring and modelling tools will be published and available for the target groups. In SK (VÚVH) the hydraulic engineering laboratory (discharge 1,5 m³/s) will be modernized and upgraded according to the state of the art together with laboratory of geoinformatics and advanced river remote sensing (ILE SAS). In AT a hydraulic engineering laboratory will be constructed with 10 m³/s free flowing discharge. By using these RIs, the scientific basis for improving the Danube river management between Vienna and Bratislava will be developed, being available for target groups working in navigation, flood risk management, ecology, hydropower and drinking water supply. Furthermore, a close exchange of undergraduate and doctoral students and teachers between BOKU, VUVH and ILE SAS will be initiated and the research facilities will be jointly used for common teaching and research activities, also beyond the lifetime of the project. |
Duration: | 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2022 |
Výskum a zachovanie biodiverzity v historických štruktúrach poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska | |
Research and maintaining of biodiversity in historical structures of agricultural landscape of Slovakia | |
Program: | Bilateral - other |
Project leader: | RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD. |
Annotation: | The historical structures of agricultural landscape (HSAL) represent mosaics of small-scale arable fields and permanent agricultural cultivations which were not affected by the process of agricultural collectivization. They have irreplaceable ecological, cultural and historical value. They are a result of a long term, mutual relationship between man and the landscape. As main sources of local biodiversity, they are linked mainly to balks, margins of cross fields tracks, original meadows and pastures and after collectivization abandoned grass-grown former arable fields. These areas are now becoming rare and thus highly valuable in the European space. Since these areas are not at present a subject of special protection, there’s a high risk that in the near future, due to abandonment and subsequent forest succession and urban pressure, their decline or even irreversible loss is probable. Our project aims to resolve this problem by carrying out a thorough inventory and typologization of HSAL on the territory of whole Slovakia, coupled with detailed interdisciplinary research (research of vegetation, animals, ecological conditions and human society) in 3 representative pilot areas (Svätý Jur town, Liptovská Teplička village Hriňová town) and implementation of an proposed Strategy for protection and management of HSAL in these territories as well. |
Duration: | 10.9.2009 - 30.4.2011 |
POINT - Vplyv indikátorov na environmentálnu politiku | |
Policy Influence of Indicators | |
Program: | FP7 |
Project leader: | Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.4.2008 - 30.3.2011 |
Multikriteriálny prístup stanovenia udržateľného polyfunkčného využívania vysoko zraniteľných oblastí | |
Multi-criteria approach of sustainable multifunctional use of highly vulnerable area determination | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Krnáčová Zdena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The principles of sustainable soil use are based on respecting the limiting factors, their rational use. Adhering to these principles of farming in highly vulnerable areas, such as WPZ (water protection zone) Žitný ostrov, is especially important. The aim of the project is to determine landscape-ecological potential, assign zones of optimal multifunctional use – protection and revitalisation of land and its elements, sustainable economic use and non-agricultural land use, cultural and social development of the countryside. As farming companies employing conventional methods of farming are the most significant large-scale polluters, we would like to approach the farming subjects in the given area with a questionnaire survey and find out their way of farming, benefits, disadvantages, current legislative restrictions, recommendations, etc. The assessment will be the gauging of the suitability of land use, processing of the results, and their implementation into regional antennas of the National Rural Network of the Slovak Republic, and other strategic documents.One of the aims of the project is to determine the landscape-ecological potential, differentiate the zones of optimal multifunctional use – protection and revitalisation of landscape and its elements, sustainable economic use and non-agricultural land use, cultural and social development of the countryside. |
Duration: | 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2026 |
Krajinnoekologické aspekty zelenej a modrej infraštruktúry pri tvorbe optimálneho priestorového základu ekologicky stabilných plôch v urbanizovanej krajine | |
Landscape-ecological aspects of green and blue infrastructure in creation of an optimal spatial basis for ecologically stable areas in urban landscape. | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Moyzeová Milena, PhD. |
Annotation: | Topical theme of the current research both in our country and in the world is the issue of green (G) and blue (B) infrastructures. Their task is to support and conserve landscape biodiversity and diversity, polyfunctional land use, protection of landscape elements and conservation of important landscape elements. The aim of the project is to prepare the assessment methodology of G and B infrastructures in a settled environment by interdisciplinary scientific research; to produce a specialized methodical tool applicable to planning practices on local level. Apart from the assessment of green and blue infrastructure the partial aim will be the assessment of grey infrastructure associated with the development of settlements and communications as part of comprehensive assessment for resulting proposals. Protection of natural and semi-natural and man-made ecosystems is compulsory for conservation of bio production, environmental and socio-economic functions and general life forms and conditions in urban landscape. |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024 |
ENVIRO PLUS - Podpora výskumno-vývojových aktivít jedinečného riešiteľského tímu | |
Supporting the R&D activities of a unique research team | |
Program: | Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja (EFRR) |
Project leader: | Mgr. Kalivoda Henrik, PhD. |
Annotation: | The main objective of the project is to support research and development activities of the unique research team of non-business research organizations ILE SAS and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the company ESPRIT Ltd focused on the knowledge area of environmental engineering. The project topics are focused on product lines in the domain of Healthy Food and Environment:1) Systems for the protection of agricultural and forest soils against degradation2) Systems and technologies for preventing the negative impacts of climate change in agriculture and forestry. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 27.9.2022 - 31.12.2023 |
ECOTOUR - Integrácia poskytovania vybraných služieb ekosystémov pre spoločenský dopyt z hľadiska rozvoja udržateľných foriem cestovného ruchu | |
Integration of supply of selected ecosystem services for societal demand in terms of developing sustainable forms of tourism | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Krnáčová Zdena, PhD. |
Annotation: | The scientific aim of the project is the development and creation of new methods of evaluation of cultural, selected regulating and supporting services of ecosystems using quantification techniques, such as landscape supplies for demand in terms of development of sustainable forms of tourism. From a methodological point of view, we will use several methods, like the Spreadsheet-Type method (Burkhard et al., 2009, 2014, Mederly et al., 2019, Nuegarten et al., 2018, Maes, 2012b, 2013) as a basis and assess the degree of hemerobia and landscape-ecology importance of landscape cover according to authors Krnáčová, Barančok, Pavličková (2018), where we evaluate the biophysical characteristics of elements. This methodology allows to design a suitable and sensitive type of tourism. The project also includes a comparison of the historical use of the landscape with the current condition and the determination of the degree of changes in landscape diversity and biodiversity (Maes et al., 2015). |
Duration: | 1.1.2021 - 12.12.2023 |
OP KŽP (Verzia 1 - Zmena Operačného programu Kvalita životného prostredia (verzia 15) : Správa o hodnotení strategického dokumentu s celoštátnym dosahom podľa zák. č. 24/2006 Z. z. o posudzovaní vplyvov na životné prostredie a o zmene a doplnení niektorých zákonov v znení n | |
Change to the Operational Programme Quality of the Environment (version 15). Report on the evaluation of a strategic document with national impact pursuant to Act. No. 24/2006 Coll. on environmental impact assessment and on amendment and supplementation o | |
Program: | Vedecko-technické projekty |
Project leader: | RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD. |
Annotation: | Elaboration of the "Report on the evaluation of the strategic document with national impact Change of the Operational Programme Environmental Quality (version 15) - in terms of its expected environmental impacts in the scope according to the Annex of Act No. 24/2006 Coll." Provision of written supplementary information to the Strategic Document Assessment Report.Preparation of presentation/interpretation of the Strategic Document Assessment Report at the public hearing.Evaluation of the opinions and comments submitted on the Strategic Document Assessment Report.Preparation of the final version of the Strategic Document Assessment Report and its submission to the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic. |
Project webpage: | |
Duration: | 26.4.2023 - 31.7.2023 |
Ex-ante hodnotenie a SEA pre Strategický plán SPP 2021-2027 | |
- | |
Program: | Vedecko-technické projekty |
Project leader: | RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.6.2019 - 31.12.2022 |
RÚSES - Regionálny územný systém ekologickej stability okresov Bratislava, Trnava, Malacky, Pezinok, Gelnica | |
Regional Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability - districts of Bratislava, Trnava, Malacky, Pezinok, Gelnica | |
Program: | Other projects |
Project leader: | Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD. |
Annotation: | Regional Territorial Systems of Ecological Stability - ÚKE SAV in cooperation with the UK in Bratislava, UKF in Nitra, TU in Zvolen and with the company ESPRIT participates in the elaboration of regional territorial systems of ecological stability. ÚKE SAS participates in the elaboration of 5 regional territorial systems of ecological stability - the districts of Malacky, Pezinok, Trnava, Gelnica and Bratislava. This year, we focused on the processing of the current landscape structure, which will be the basis for the spatial specification of habitats, and subsequently the elements of the TSES framework, as well as the identification of stress factors. |
Duration: | 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2020 |
Spracovanie miestneho územného systému ekologickej stability (MÚSES) Dolný Lopašov | |
Elaboration of territorial system of ecological stability of Dolný Lopašov | |
Program: | Other projects |
Project leader: | Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | The territorial system of ecological stability (MUSES) was elaborated for the case study area of Dolný Lopašov. During the processing, a new methodological approach was applied (Miklós et al., 2020) using algorithms for automated processing of MÚSES projects at the municipal level. The output of the project is a final report of MÚSES for Dolný Lopašov. |
Duration: | 1.2.2020 - 30.11.2020 |
Nezávislé hodnotenie Programu rozvoja vidieka SR pre obdobie 2014-2020 | |
Independent evaluation of the Rural Development Programme for the period 2014-2020 | |
Program: | Other projects |
Project leader: | Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | Processing of documents for evaluation report of the Rural Development Programme for 2014-2020, including answering the evaluation questions which provides an independent assessment of the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness and achievements, impact and success and failure factors. |
Duration: | 18.12.2015 - 31.12.2019 |
Významnosť a úžitky ekosystémov v historických štruktúrach poľnohospodárskej krajiny | |
Significance and ecosystem services of historical structures of agricultural landscapes | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD. |
Annotation: | Significance of natural, semi-natural and cultural ecosystems in agricultural landscape for biodiversity protection is multiplex. The unique islands of species-rich plant and animal communities are represented by historicalstructures of agricultural landscape (HSAL), that play an important role in water retention and the prevention of soil erosion – both important with respect to climatic changes. Many ecosystem services and function are provided by these ecosystems, which bring benefits for society. They have irreplaceable ecological, cultural andhistorical value.Due to deficient ecosystem valuation as well as scarce scientific data documenting significance and services of these habitats in agrarian landscape, decline or even irreversible loss of biodiversity linked to such specificbiotopes will be the result. The project is aimed to bring new quantitative and qualitative scientific knowledge, which can be applied in decision processes or for implementation of international convention |
Duration: | 1.1.2011 - 31.12.2013 |
Fytocenologická a ekologická charakteristika lesov hornej hranice vo vysokých pohoriach Západných Karpát - limbovo - smrekové lesy | |
Phytocoenological and ecological characteristic of the timberline forest of the Western Carpathians high mountains - ceder pine - spruce forests | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | RNDr. Barančok Peter, CSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2006 - 31.12.2008 |
POINT - Vplyv indikátorov na environmentálnu politiku | |
Policy influence indicators | |
Program: | Podpora MVTS z prostriedkov SAV |
Project leader: | Prof. RNDr. Izakovičová Zita, PhD. |
Duration: | 1.4.2008 - 30.12.2008 |
Ekologické hodnotenie lesných ekosystémov vo vybraných regiónoch západného Slovenska | |
Ecological evaluation of forest ecosystems on the selected regions of the west Slovakia | |
Program: | VEGA |
Project leader: | Ing. Kubíček Ferdinand, DrSc. |
Duration: | 1.1.2005 - 1.12.2007 |