

Restore4Life - Restore4Life - Obnova mokraďových komplexov ako systémov podporujúcich život v povodí Dunaja
Restore4Life - Restoration of wetland complexes as life supporting systems in the Danube Basin
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: Restore4Life demonstrates the multiple socio-economic benefits generated by a holistic and transdisciplinary approach for the restoration of freshwater and coastal wetlands in the Danube basin that will contribute to new blue-green infrastructure supporting regional climate change resilience and mitigation. Restore4Life engages in 4 demonstration sites and 6 monitoring sites all across the Danube basin to make evident that increased delivery of key ecosystem services, as water and pollutant retention, carbon sequestration and tourism opportunities as well as improved resilience of water-dependent habitats will produce multiple socioeconomic synergies that also provide opportunities for sustainable businesses and investments.Implementation of activities basically aiming to restore lateral connectivity in riverine corridors will be supported by a Restore4Life long term wetland restoration service/ Restore4Life Wetland Reconstruction Accelerator that combines timely integrative wetland management with a novel level of societal engagement. The Accelerator will provide tested indicators, monitoring approaches and decision support to identify adapted and future-oriented restoration goals, techniques and holistic road maps. Citizens and stakeholders will be empowered to engage in the co-design of projects by establishing stakeholder communities of practice, by twinning of similar projects at different realization stage, citizen science, thematic mobile apps and the use of multiple communication channels with special focus on visual, hands-on interactive information flow that promotes emotional links to water shaped environment. The various tools generated by Restore4Life also including handbooks for business audiences and targeted restoration roadmaps will secure the efficient replication of restoration activities in associated regions. In collaboration with similar mission activities, Restore4Life thus efficiently supports integrative social and economic transitions.
Duration: 1.6.2023 - 31.5.2027
ETC BD - Európske tématické centrum pre biologickú diverzitu - 2019-2021
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity - 2019-2021
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: ETC BD is a project of the European Environmental Agency. EEA‐ETC/BD work over the period 2019‐2021 will be largely framed on global level by the Convention on Biological Diversity and its Strategic Plan for 2011‐2020 and at EU level by the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. These policy elements are fully integrated in the EEA Multi‐annual Work Programme 2014‐2018 extended to 2020, which determine the ETC BD work plan. The ETC BD activities will be done in 5 work packages. WP1 (Monitoring, data, management and information systems) addresses the organisation of dataflows and the management of core datasets which will either directly feed the policy process or/and underpin the production of indicators and assessments. WP2 (Indicators) mainly addresses work to be done by ETC/BD as part of the SEBI collaborative process (Streamlined European Biodiversity Indicators). WP3 (Assessments) over the next period will be largely framed by targets 1 and 2 of the EU 2020 Biodiversity Strategy. The evaluation of progress towards target 1 and its supporting actions will make use of information reported by Member States under the Nature Directives. A major piece of EEA‐ETC/BD work will be the preparation of the State of Nature report, to be published by end 2020. WP4 (Networking and policy support) covers networking with national authorities and experts under policy processes, whether at EU, pan‐European or global levels. WP5 is focused to the ETC BD management, capacity‐building and cross‐ETC cooperation.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2021


Výskum špecifických prvkov biokultúrnej krajiny na Slovensku
Research of specific landscape elements of bio-cultural landscape in Slovakia
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD.
Annotation: In a broader sense, it is possible to perceive landscape as mainly bio-cultural and multi-functional, as it constantlyadapts to the economic, social, cultural and environmental processes in time and space. The result is formation ofbio-cultural systems providing a crucial and effective space for the integration of biological and cultural elements that significantly affect individual bio-cultural systems. The project will focus on development ofmethodology for detailed interdisciplinary and integrated research of biotic and social-cultural elements and theirinterrelationships in valuable bio-cultural systems in Slovakia using indicators of biotic and cultural diversity aswell as research of extent and structure changes of forms of traditional agrarian relief. Special attention will bepaid to identification of change factors (driving forces, global megatrends) of the most valuable bio-culturalsystems and determination of selected benefits, which provide for society.
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
Dlhodobé zmeny znečistenia ovzdušia a ich dopad na ekosystémy
Long-term changes of atmospheric pollution and their impact to ecosystems
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: The project will assess long-term changes in air pollution and their impacts on selected ecosystems. The firstproject theme is study of changes in atmospheric deposition using bryophytes as pollutant accumulators. We willcontinue in former several decades lasting research using the ICP Vegetation methodology. We will developpollution maps for Slovakia and assess impacts on humans and ecosystems. At the Báb LTER site, we willcontinue the study of pollutants accumulation in bryophytes, tree leaves and soil of forest ecosystem. The secondtheme is an experimental study of impacts of elevated temperature and nitrogen and phosphorus deposition onthe ecosystem of alpine grasslands in the LTER sites Jalovecká dolina (since 2002; phosphorus and 3 nitrogenconcentrations; since 2009 also ecosystem regeneration) and Kráľova hoľa (since 2009; temperature rise,nitrogen deposition and their combination). We will repeat all previous measurements, assess changes andimpacts on the ecosystem structure and functioning.
Duration: 1.1.2021 - 31.12.2024
Ekologické vzťahy v systéme hostiteľ-parazitoid
Ecological relationships in the system host-parasitoid
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Gajdoš Peter, CSc.
Annotation: Study of the relationships between organisms is a basic prerequisite for understanding of evolution. Host-parasitoid interactions are an attractive area of research for evolutionary biologists. Only a small proportion of known parasitoid groups are associated with a dangerous host type. The exceptions are wasps from Polysphincta group (Hymenoptera). The project will evaluate ecological and behavioural data in both organism. The research will be studied under the conditions of forest ecotones, where the impact of ecological factors (altitude gradient, habitat type and woody species, exposure) on arachnid communities and their parasitoids will be evaluated. The impact of management (conventional vs organic farming) on arachnid communities and their parasitoids in orchards and viticultural landscape will be investigated. The host spectrum and parasitoid manipulation will be tested experimentally. New knowledge about their biology and ecology is expected to allow a better understanding of the evolution of interactions between these highly interconnected organisms.
Duration: 1.1.2020 - 31.12.2023
Zmeny poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska vplyvom politík Európskej Únie
Changes in Slovak Landscape Driven by European Union Agricultural Policy
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Lieskovský Juraj, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on identification and evaluation of changes in agricultural landscape (AL), which were after 2004 affected by the EU legislation in fields of agriculture, water protection and nature conservation. It is based on analysis of the EU policies as drivers of changes in AL. It will study types and intensity of use of AL on regional and local levels. The project combines methods of remote sensing (RS) and field research. RS will be used for timely obtaining information on AL. Also will be developed and tested innovative approaches and methods with use of new satellite sensors. In local scale will be studied impact of changes in use in AL on biodiversity. For biodiversity study were selected indication groups of vegetation, invertebrates (spiders, dragonflies) and vertebrates (amphibians, birds). Studied will be sites from which exist data from previous research, wetlands and newly evolved biotopes in AL. The final phase will be synthesis of current state and changes in AL and biodiversity.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019