

Restore4Life - Restore4Life - Obnova mokraďových komplexov ako systémov podporujúcich život v povodí Dunaja
Restore4Life - Restoration of wetland complexes as life supporting systems in the Danube Basin
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: Restore4Life demonstrates the multiple socio-economic benefits generated by a holistic and transdisciplinary approach for the restoration of freshwater and coastal wetlands in the Danube basin that will contribute to new blue-green infrastructure supporting regional climate change resilience and mitigation. Restore4Life engages in 4 demonstration sites and 6 monitoring sites all across the Danube basin to make evident that increased delivery of key ecosystem services, as water and pollutant retention, carbon sequestration and tourism opportunities as well as improved resilience of water-dependent habitats will produce multiple socioeconomic synergies that also provide opportunities for sustainable businesses and investments.Implementation of activities basically aiming to restore lateral connectivity in riverine corridors will be supported by a Restore4Life long term wetland restoration service/ Restore4Life Wetland Reconstruction Accelerator that combines timely integrative wetland management with a novel level of societal engagement. The Accelerator will provide tested indicators, monitoring approaches and decision support to identify adapted and future-oriented restoration goals, techniques and holistic road maps. Citizens and stakeholders will be empowered to engage in the co-design of projects by establishing stakeholder communities of practice, by twinning of similar projects at different realization stage, citizen science, thematic mobile apps and the use of multiple communication channels with special focus on visual, hands-on interactive information flow that promotes emotional links to water shaped environment. The various tools generated by Restore4Life also including handbooks for business audiences and targeted restoration roadmaps will secure the efficient replication of restoration activities in associated regions. In collaboration with similar mission activities, Restore4Life thus efficiently supports integrative social and economic transitions.
Duration: 1.6.2023 - 31.5.2027
ETC BD - Európske tematické centrum pre biologickú diverzitu
European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: The European Topic Centre on Biological Diversity (ETC/BD) is established to support the work of EEA in the field of biodiversity for the period 2014-18 and the implementation of the EU Action Plan on Biodiversity and related global strategies. Key priority areas included in the work plans established between the EEA and the European Commission include:• Support implementation of existing EU legislation relating to nature (Habitats and Birds Directives), including links to other key EU legislation concerning the sea and water, rationalization of the data collection, reporting and sharing of experience and knowledge;• Support for assessment and reporting in connection with the global- and the EU biodiversity strategies, while promoting the implementation of data and information aspects, in particular the mapping and assessment of the health of ecosystems and their services in Europe;• Work on specific tasks relating to the EU\'s biodiversity strategy in sectors that are not covered by other ETCs. These include agriculture and forestry. The cooperation with the JRC, DG AGRI, and other pan-European and global partners in these issues is needed.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2014 - 31.12.2018
NBP - Podpora pre biogeografický proces Natura 2000
Support for the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: In this project, the consortium led by European Centre for Nature Conservation will continue supporting the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process. The support provided in this context will cover the continuation of the Natura 2000 Biogeographical Process and its expansion with two Kick-off Seminars for the Continental, Pannonian, Steppic & Black Sea Region, which takes place in Luxembourg in spring 2015, and the Macaronesian Region planned for autumn 2015. It will also cover the organization of Review Natura 2000 Seminars for the Boreal and Atlantic regions in 2016 and for other regions in 2017.Last but not least, as a part of the \'Natura 2000 Biogeographical Networking Programme\', the new contract will support the establishment and implementation of a number of networking events, in close cooperation with the Commission, Member States, conservation institutes, NGOs and stakeholder organizations. These events will be designed to take forward specific common priorities identified by Process participants. The aim will be to develop collaboration and cooperative actions on the management of Natura 2000. In particular, focus will be given to developing new insights and practical know-how about management approaches required to improve the condition and status of Natura 2000 habitats and species.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2015 - 31.12.2017
Astrale C - Administratívna a technická podpora pri úlohách súvisiacich s implementáciou projektov v rámci programov LIFE III a LIFE+
Astrale C - Technical and administrative assistance for tasks related to implementation of projects under the LIFE+ and under the LIFE III programme
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: The contract is focused on monitoring of quality and professional correctness of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in categories NAT, ENV and TCY. These projects support the development of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions or deal with various environmental issues. The contracted personnel regularly checks whether the administration and field actions of the projects follow the approved project proposals and the rules of sound professional and financial management. Experts of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS monitor the LIFE NAT projects (nature conservation category) in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania.
Duration: 1.7.2010 - 30.6.2011
ASTRALE B - Administratívna a technická podpora pri úlohách súvisiacich s implementáciou projektov v rámci programov LIFE III a LIFE+
ASTRALE B - Technical and administrative assistance for tasks related to implementation of projects under the LIFE+ and under the LIFE III programme
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: The contract is focused on monitoring of quality and professional correctness of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in categories NAT, ENV and TCY. These projects support the development of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions or deal with various environmental issues. The contracted personnel regularly checks whether the administration and field actions of the projects follow the approved project proposals and the rules of sound professional and financial management. Experts of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS monitor the LIFE NAT projects (nature conservation category) in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.7.2009 - 30.6.2010
ASTRALE 10 - Asistencia a technická podpora pri riešení úloh programu LIFE
ASTRALE 10 - Assistance and technical support for the tasks related to actions under the LIFE Programme
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: The contract was focused on monitoring of quality and professional correctness of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in categories NAT, ENV and TCY. These projects support the development of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions or deal with various environmental issues. The contracted personnel regularly checked whether the administration and field actions of the projects follow the approved project proposals and the rules of sound professional and financial management. Experts of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS monitored the LIFE NAT projects (nature conservation category) in Czech Republic and Romania.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.10.2008 - 30.6.2009
ASTRALE A - ASTRALE A - Administratívna a technická podpora pri úlohách súvisiacich s implementáciou projektov v rámci programov LIFE III a LIFE+
ASTRALE A - Technical and administrative assistance for tasks related to implementation of projects under the LIFE+ and under the LIFE III programme
Program: Bilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: The contract was focused on monitoring of quality and professional correctness of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in categories NAT, ENV and TCY. These projects support the development of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions or deal with various environmental issues. The contracted personnel regularly checked whether the administration and field actions of the projects follow the approved project proposals and the rules of sound professional and financial management. Experts of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS monitored the LIFE NAT projects (nature conservation category) in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 30.6.2009


Ekologické analýzy akulturácie krajiny Slovenska od mladšieho praveku dodnes
Ecological Analyses of Landscape Acculturation in Slovakia since Early Prehistory until Today
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Piscová Veronika, PhD.
Annotation: Human impact on landscape of Slovakia is manifested more markedly since the Neolithic period (New StoneAge). Acculturation processes such as mutual adoption and merging different cultures and process of social andcultural changes accompany people throughout their history and reflect on the environment (Škvarna, 2007). Thehuman impact on the landscape may appear at first positive, but it may have a negative influence on the natureitself and finally on people as well (Erten, Van Deb Berg, Weissing 2007). For this reason, it is important toanalyze the impact of landscape changes on people and also on natural ecosystems. The aim of this project is toreconstruct the landscape in several periods of historical and archaeological past and to evaluate theconsequences of human activity in the model areas. An important role will be played by the confrontation of theevolution of settlement and vegetation changes in the territories in the same chronological sections.
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 31.12.2022
Zmeny poľnohospodárskej krajiny Slovenska vplyvom politík Európskej Únie
Changes in Slovak Landscape Driven by European Union Agricultural Policy
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Mgr. Lieskovský Juraj, PhD.
Annotation: The project is focused on identification and evaluation of changes in agricultural landscape (AL), which were after 2004 affected by the EU legislation in fields of agriculture, water protection and nature conservation. It is based on analysis of the EU policies as drivers of changes in AL. It will study types and intensity of use of AL on regional and local levels. The project combines methods of remote sensing (RS) and field research. RS will be used for timely obtaining information on AL. Also will be developed and tested innovative approaches and methods with use of new satellite sensors. In local scale will be studied impact of changes in use in AL on biodiversity. For biodiversity study were selected indication groups of vegetation, invertebrates (spiders, dragonflies) and vertebrates (amphibians, birds). Studied will be sites from which exist data from previous research, wetlands and newly evolved biotopes in AL. The final phase will be synthesis of current state and changes in AL and biodiversity.
Duration: 1.1.2016 - 31.12.2019
Dôsledky ťažby Nováckeho uhoľného ložiska na krajinnú štruktúru, sociálno-ekonomický rozvoj obce Koš a biodiverzitu
Brown coal mining in Novaky coal field and influence on landscape structure, socio-economic development of Koš village and biodiversity of Koš wetlands
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Doc. PaedDr. David Stanislav, PhD.
Annotation: Nováky coal field mining is realised by Hornonitrianske bane Prievidza a. s., with mining prognosis up to 2020. Mining consequences are demonstrated by undermined area dropping, therefore it was included to Hornonitrianska endangered area. Majority of Koš village inhabitants was evicted. A new landscape phenomena are flooded depressions (the largest with the area 6 – 8 ha) with macrophytic vegetation – so-called Koš wetlands. Depressions are important for the surrounding agricultural landscape biodiversity. This is confirmed by preliminary results of vegetation, dragonfly and ornitofauna research. There will be landcape ecological and socio-economical aspects of Koš cadastre solved in suggested project. Importance of flooded depressions as a creating biodiversity centres in agricultural landscape will be evaluated by abiotic components field work (geology, soil, relief changes, hydrologic conditions and above-ground water quality) and by chosen biotic components (vegetation, dragonflies, amphibians, birds, small ground mammals). Historical and present landscape structure analysis and socio-economical potential analysis will be used for limits defining and for optimal use of Koš cadastre proposition.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 1.12.2009
Hodnotenie zmien diverzity krajiny
Evaluation of landscape diversity changes
Program: VEGA
Project leader: Prof. RNDr. Hrnčiarová Tatiana, CSc.
Duration: 1.1.2007 - 1.12.2009
ASTRALE A - Administratívna a technická podpora pri úlohách súvisiacich s implementáciou projektov v rámci programov LIFE III a LIFE+
ASTRALE A - Technical and administrative assistance for tasks related to implementation of projects under the LIFE+ and under the LIFE III programme
Program: SRDA
Project leader: Ing. Oszlányi Július, CSc.
Annotation: The contract was focused on monitoring of quality and professional correctness of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in categories NAT, ENV and TCY. These projects support the development of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions or deal with various environmental issues. The contracted personnel regularly checked whether the administration and field actions of the projects follow the approved project proposals and the rules of sound professional and financial management. Experts of the Institute of Landscape Ecology SAS monitored the LIFE NAT projects (nature conservation category) in Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Hungary and Romania
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2009 - 30.6.2009