

ELMEN - ELMEN - Multi-inštitucionálny rámcový kontrakt na poskytovanie asistencie pre technické a finančné monitorovanie bežiacich projektov spolufinancovaných z predchádzajúcich a súčasného LIFE programu a pre tematickú podporu
ELMEN - Inter-institutional single framework contract for the provision of assistance for the technical and financial monitoring of ongoing projects funded from previous and on-going LIFE programmes and on thematic support
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Mgr. Bezák Peter, PhD.
Annotation: The ELMEN contract is focused mainly on monitoring of quality and professional and financial correctness of implementation of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme. These projects support the enhancement of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions, deal with various environmental issues, climate change adaptation and mitigation, circular economy and quality of life and clean energy. Monitoring experts regularly check the implementation of projects in the field or beneficiaries’ premises, evaluate submitted project reports and provide any other required thematic support related to the LIFE programme to the European Commission (DG Environment and CINEA).
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.4.2023 - 31.3.2027
NEEMO EEIG 2019 - NEEMO EIG 2019 - Multi-inštitucionálny rámcový kontrakt na poskytovanie podpory pre monitorovanie LIFE projektov, komunikáciu o LIFE programe a iné súvisiace aktivity
NEEMO EIG 2019 - Inter-institutional single framework contract for the provision of support for the monitoring of LIFE projects, communication about the LIFE programme and other related activities
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Mgr. Bezák Peter, PhD.
Annotation: The NEEMO contract is focused mainly on monitoring of quality and professional and financial correctness of implementation of the EU co-funded projects of the LIFE programme in strands Nature, Environment and Climate Action. These projects support the enhancement of Natura 2000 network through concrete conservation actions, deal with various environmental issues or climate change adaptation and mitigation. Monitoring experts regularly check the implementation of projects in the field or beneficiaries’ premises, evaluate submitted project reports and provide any other required support related to the LIFE programme to the European Commission (DG Environment and EASME).
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2019 - 30.4.2023