

Restore4Life - Restore4Life - Obnova mokraďových komplexov ako systémov podporujúcich život v povodí Dunaja
Restore4Life - Restoration of wetland complexes as life supporting systems in the Danube Basin
Program: Horizon Europe
Project leader: RNDr. Halada Ľuboš, CSc.
Annotation: Restore4Life demonstrates the multiple socio-economic benefits generated by a holistic and transdisciplinary approach for the restoration of freshwater and coastal wetlands in the Danube basin that will contribute to new blue-green infrastructure supporting regional climate change resilience and mitigation. Restore4Life engages in 4 demonstration sites and 6 monitoring sites all across the Danube basin to make evident that increased delivery of key ecosystem services, as water and pollutant retention, carbon sequestration and tourism opportunities as well as improved resilience of water-dependent habitats will produce multiple socioeconomic synergies that also provide opportunities for sustainable businesses and investments.Implementation of activities basically aiming to restore lateral connectivity in riverine corridors will be supported by a Restore4Life long term wetland restoration service/ Restore4Life Wetland Reconstruction Accelerator that combines timely integrative wetland management with a novel level of societal engagement. The Accelerator will provide tested indicators, monitoring approaches and decision support to identify adapted and future-oriented restoration goals, techniques and holistic road maps. Citizens and stakeholders will be empowered to engage in the co-design of projects by establishing stakeholder communities of practice, by twinning of similar projects at different realization stage, citizen science, thematic mobile apps and the use of multiple communication channels with special focus on visual, hands-on interactive information flow that promotes emotional links to water shaped environment. The various tools generated by Restore4Life also including handbooks for business audiences and targeted restoration roadmaps will secure the efficient replication of restoration activities in associated regions. In collaboration with similar mission activities, Restore4Life thus efficiently supports integrative social and economic transitions.
Duration: 1.6.2023 - 31.5.2027
Biodiversa+ - Biodiversa+ pilotný projekt monitoringu biodiverzity
The European Biodiversity Partnership
Program: Multilateral - other
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The pilot project is implemented and supported under Work Package 2 (WP2) of the Biodiversa+ project, which aims to establish a transnational network of national biodiversity monitoring systems. The pilot project is thematically divided into Mapping and monitoring of grassland and wetland habitats and Automated monitoring of birds, bats and nocturnal insects through sound and image recognition.
Project webpage:
Duration: 1.1.2024 - 31.12.2025


Výskum špecifických prvkov biokultúrnej krajiny na Slovensku
Research of specific landscape elements of bio-cultural landscape in Slovakia
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD.
Annotation: In a broader sense, it is possible to perceive landscape as mainly bio-cultural and multi-functional, as it constantlyadapts to the economic, social, cultural and environmental processes in time and space. The result is formation ofbio-cultural systems providing a crucial and effective space for the integration of biological and cultural elements that significantly affect individual bio-cultural systems. The project will focus on development ofmethodology for detailed interdisciplinary and integrated research of biotic and social-cultural elements and theirinterrelationships in valuable bio-cultural systems in Slovakia using indicators of biotic and cultural diversity aswell as research of extent and structure changes of forms of traditional agrarian relief. Special attention will bepaid to identification of change factors (driving forces, global megatrends) of the most valuable bio-culturalsystems and determination of selected benefits, which provide for society.
Duration: 1.1.2022 - 31.12.2025
ENVIRO PLUS - Podpora výskumno-vývojových aktivít jedinečného riešiteľského tímu
Supporting the R&D activities of a unique research team
Program: Európsky fond regionálneho rozvoja (EFRR)
Project leader: Mgr. Kalivoda Henrik, PhD.
Annotation: The main objective of the project is to support research and development activities of the unique research team of non-business research organizations ILE SAS and Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra and the company ESPRIT Ltd focused on the knowledge area of environmental engineering. The project topics are focused on product lines in the domain of Healthy Food and Environment:1) Systems for the protection of agricultural and forest soils against degradation2) Systems and technologies for preventing the negative impacts of climate change in agriculture and forestry.
Project webpage:
Duration: 27.9.2022 - 31.12.2023
Ex-ante hodnotenie a SEA pre Strategický plán SPP 2021-2027
Program: Vedecko-technické projekty
Project leader: RNDr. Miklósová Viktória, PhD.
Duration: 1.6.2019 - 31.12.2022
Výskum biokultúrnych hodnôt krajiny
Research of biocultural values of landscape
Program: VEGA
Project leader: RNDr. Dobrovodská Marta, PhD.
Annotation: Recently is increasing interest in research that can define habitats and landscape created by human culture and can determine ways that society uses to shape up its natural environment and is also shaped up by it (UNESCO 2007). Also is increasing demand for ensuring diversity in every dimension of life and its inclusion to political agenda. This requires revision of current strategy of biodiversity protection, which often omits highly rated areas in manused landscape and mostly focuses on protection of natural landscape. New concept of “biocultural diversity”, which points to connection between biological and cultural dimension of landscape, their interactions, connections, common development, threats and correlation with social and economical development of society, allows this change. The goal of the pilot project is to bring new qualitative and quantitative findings during the evaluation of connection between biological and cultural diversity and to define new principles of its protection.
Duration: 1.1.2018 - 31.12.2021
Spracovanie miestneho územného systému ekologickej stability (MÚSES) Dolný Lopašov
Elaboration of territorial system of ecological stability of Dolný Lopašov
Program: Other projects
Project leader: Ing. Špulerová Jana, PhD.
Annotation: The territorial system of ecological stability (MUSES) was elaborated for the case study area of Dolný Lopašov. During the processing, a new methodological approach was applied (Miklós et al., 2020) using algorithms for automated processing of MÚSES projects at the municipal level. The output of the project is a final report of MÚSES for Dolný Lopašov.
Duration: 1.2.2020 - 30.11.2020